RECOGNITIONS - CISD STAFF A. Recognition of English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers B. Recognition of Dyslexia Therapists - Dyslexia Awareness Month
FINANCIAL SERVICES A. Consideration and Action on an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax Bonds; Appointing a Pricing Officer and Delegating to the Pricing Officer the Authority to Approve the Sale of the Bonds and Documents Related Thereto; Establishing Certain Parameters for the Approval of Such Matters; Levying an Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject
BOARD & COMMUNITY RELATIONS A. Consider for Approval Six-year Advertising and Promotional Agreement with MyPlates
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Real Property 1. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board's position in negotiations with a third person. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.072). B. Personnel 1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.074). C. Student Information 1. To deliberate a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation unless an open meeting about the matter is requested in writing by the student's parent. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.0821). D. Safety & Security 1. To deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices, or to deliberate a security audit. (Tex. Gov't Code § 551.076). E. Consultation with Attorney 1. To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071). 12. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON ANY MATTERS ADDRESSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION
PRESIDENT'S REPORT A. Committee Reports B. School Safety & Security Committee - Trustee Appointment
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT A. October 2019 - Principals Month B. C.L.A.S.S. 2019 Meeting November 19, 2019 - The Role of the Board of Trustees/Trustees Roundtable C. 2017 Bond Projects Update
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Consider for Approval Carroll ISD Artificial Turf Field Rental Fee Adjustment B. Consider for Approval HVAC Replacement for CISD Administration Building
A. Minutes - September 23, 2019 Regular Board Meeting B. ESC Region 10 Interlocal Agreement-Purchasing Cooperative C. 2019-2020 School Health Advisory Council Appointments D. Donation - Band Boosters E. Donation 1 - Carroll Athletic Boosters Club F. Donation 2 - Carroll Athletic Boosters Club G. Donation - Dawson Middle School PTSO H. Donation - Carroll Medical Academy Boosters Club
RECOGNITIONS - CISD STAFF A. Recognition of English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers B. Recognition of Dyslexia Therapists - Dyslexia Awareness Month
FINANCIAL SERVICES A. Consideration and Action on an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax Bonds; Appointing a Pricing Officer and Delegating to the Pricing Officer the Authority to Approve the Sale of the Bonds and Documents Related Thereto; Establishing Certain Parameters for the Approval of Such Matters; Levying an Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject
BOARD & COMMUNITY RELATIONS A. Consider for Approval Six-year Advertising and Promotional Agreement with MyPlates
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Real Property 1. To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board's position in negotiations with a third person. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.072). B. Personnel 1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.074). C. Student Information 1. To deliberate a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the deliberation unless an open meeting about the matter is requested in writing by the student's parent. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.0821). D. Safety & Security 1. To deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices, or to deliberate a security audit. (Tex. Gov't Code § 551.076). E. Consultation with Attorney 1. To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071). 12. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON ANY MATTERS ADDRESSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION
PRESIDENT'S REPORT A. Committee Reports B. School Safety & Security Committee - Trustee Appointment
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT A. October 2019 - Principals Month B. C.L.A.S.S. 2019 Meeting November 19, 2019 - The Role of the Board of Trustees/Trustees Roundtable C. 2017 Bond Projects Update
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. Consider for Approval Carroll ISD Artificial Turf Field Rental Fee Adjustment B. Consider for Approval HVAC Replacement for CISD Administration Building
A. Minutes - September 23, 2019 Regular Board Meeting B. ESC Region 10 Interlocal Agreement-Purchasing Cooperative C. 2019-2020 School Health Advisory Council Appointments D. Donation - Band Boosters E. Donation 1 - Carroll Athletic Boosters Club F. Donation 2 - Carroll Athletic Boosters Club G. Donation - Dawson Middle School PTSO H. Donation - Carroll Medical Academy Boosters Club