SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT A. Announcement - 2019-20 Campus Volunteers of the Year B. Announcement - AP Boosters Senior Scholarship Awards C. May 6, 2020 - National Nurses Day D. May 8, 2020 - School Communicators Day E. May 15, 2020 International Water Safety Day F. 2020 Summer School Registration G. COVID-19 Update
STUDENT SERVICES A. Information Regarding Bond Funded Classroom Displays Relocation During Construction B. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Campus Audio Video (AV) Purchases from Delcom C. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of Servers From GDT D. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of K-6 Security Doors E. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of iPad Student Charging Stations for Rockenbaugh Elementary School
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. District Officers and Employees 1. Consider for Approval Teacher Contract Recommendations and Personnel Other Than Teachers B. Consider for Approval Recommendation to Continue the Temporary Staffing at Johnson Elementary School, Walnut Grove Elementary School, Durham Intermediate School, and Carroll High School for the 2020-21 School Year
9. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes - April 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting via Videoconference/Audioconference B. Monthly Financial Report
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT A. Announcement - 2019-20 Campus Volunteers of the Year B. Announcement - AP Boosters Senior Scholarship Awards C. May 6, 2020 - National Nurses Day D. May 8, 2020 - School Communicators Day E. May 15, 2020 International Water Safety Day F. 2020 Summer School Registration G. COVID-19 Update
STUDENT SERVICES A. Information Regarding Bond Funded Classroom Displays Relocation During Construction B. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Campus Audio Video (AV) Purchases from Delcom C. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of Servers From GDT D. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of K-6 Security Doors E. Consider for Approval Recommendation for Purchase of iPad Student Charging Stations for Rockenbaugh Elementary School
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES A. District Officers and Employees 1. Consider for Approval Teacher Contract Recommendations and Personnel Other Than Teachers B. Consider for Approval Recommendation to Continue the Temporary Staffing at Johnson Elementary School, Walnut Grove Elementary School, Durham Intermediate School, and Carroll High School for the 2020-21 School Year
9. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes - April 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting via Videoconference/Audioconference B. Monthly Financial Report